What is clean technology? – Knowligent
What is clean technology?

What is clean technology?

HomeHow to, TechWhat is clean technology?

Clean technology, also known as greentech or cleantech, is any technology that aims to improve and/or reduce the negative impact on the environment. Companies can do this by using resources sustainably, protecting the environment, or using significant improvements in energy efficiency during development. In essence, it is about companies becoming more environmentally friendly.

What is clean technology?

Clean technology is a rapidly growing concept in many areas. The general term was originally coined in the American financial sector and is also known as green energy or ecotechnology.

Because it is a general term, it can be applied to any type of business. It is simply a way to be more environmentally conscious about the way companies run their businesses.

Tech companies like Apple have committed to being carbon neutral across the entire lifecycle of their products by 2030. Google said it was carbon neutral back in 2007; the company is now focusing more on delivering 24/7 carbon-free energy by 2030.