What is the daily refresh time in MultiVersus? – Knowligent
What is the daily refresh time in MultiVersus?

What is the daily refresh time in MultiVersus?

HomeGames, How toWhat is the daily refresh time in MultiVersus?

In a game with daily missions and daily rewards like MultiVersus, knowing the exact time they reset is essential.

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Whether you started playing MultiVersus as soon as it released or you just joined today, you definitely don’t want to miss the chance to catch up on your daily quests and claim all the rewards of the current Battle Pass. I mean, you don’t want to miss the chance to play as the Banana Guard, do you? In this guide, I’ll show you when the daily refresh time is in MultiVersus and how you can check it for yourself in the future.

The daily refresh time in MultiVersus is 11:00am GMT/7:00am EST every day. Here is a time converter to figure out when that is for you based on your time zone.

You can check the time in the game by going to the Missions tab and looking at the 'News in…' information under the Daily Missions subtab.