What is the maximum team size in Dark and Darker? – Knowligent
What is the maximum team size in Dark and Darker?

What is the maximum team size in Dark and Darker?

HomeGames, How toWhat is the maximum team size in Dark and Darker?

Dark and Darker is back on mainstream platforms and features an all-new free-to-play model, allowing players to enjoy the majority of the game for free. With so many new players in the game, many are probably wondering what the maximum party size is. Here's everything you need to know.

Dark and Darker – Debuff Duration and DOTs

Dark and Darker is currently divided into three separate queues for solo and group players. Up to three players can queue in one group for the Trio matchmaking, where they will face off against three additional teams of three. However, solo and duo players can also queue for trios, which will result in a mixed group of matches that will have no more than 12 players total in a single match.

Because Dark and Darker has introduced a new split between free and paid queues, all three players must have Legendary Status to unlock the High-Roller Trios queue.

Unfortunately, as long as someone in the party has a Squire account (free-to-play), the party will not have access to High-Roller matches, which are typically more dangerous and therefore more rewarding. Ironmace has been expanding its approach to free-to-play since the re-release of Dark and Darker on Steam, so that may change at some point. The normal queue also works differently, where if one player has more than 25 gear score, the entire party will be put into a harder match, even if the other two qualify for the "beginner" queue.