Spying and wiretapping are easier than ever due to the wealth of data captured and stored on devices like smartphones. From our communications to the locations we visit and the social networks we frequent, our phones contain sensitive information about us and our activities. Devices like the iPhone have features that protect digital privacy and prevent government spying.
15 Signs Someone Is Tracking Your iPhone & How to Stop It
Web browsing is an activity that most people do on a phone, so it’s one of the first things to secure to prevent iPhone spying. An easy way to protect your web browsing privacy is with a VPN.
VPNs are virtual private networks that route traffic from a phone through a private tunnel and use encryption to scramble the data. If someone manages to figure out what you’re doing, they’ll get a bunch of junk that’s impossible to decipher.
While there have been reports that governments can crack some VPNs, using one offers more protection than not. Two things are required to use a VPN with an iPhone: a VPN subscription from a VPN service provider and a method of entering the provider information into the phone (such as a VPN app).