What to do with Gorm in AC Valhalla? – Knowligent
What to do with Gorm in AC Valhalla?

What to do with Gorm in AC Valhalla?

HomeHow to, TechWhat to do with Gorm in AC Valhalla?

If you’re reading this, rest assured that you’re not alone in the moral quandary that AC Valhalla has thrown at you. We’re talking, of course, about Birthrights – one of the game’s most important quests that sneaks up on you early on.

Assassins Creed Valhalla Kill or Banish Gorm All Outcomes Good and Evil

In Valhalla, you will encounter a number of instances where the choice you make will determine how the game will play out and ultimately how it will end. This is one of them. We must warn you, however, that there are some major spoilers ahead for those who have not yet reached this part of the game.

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After completing the quest 'A Cruel Destiny', in which you must capture Kjotve's Fortress, you will be given the task of going to Alrektstad. For the quest Birthrights, you will go to Alrekstad to meet King Harald, who you meet early in the game. To begin, open the map and choose the new main quest that is available. Birthrights will begin.