Where Nanobots are deployed in A Rising Chorus Act 2 in Destiny 2 – Knowligent
Where Nanobots are deployed in A Rising Chorus Act 2 in Destiny 2

Where Nanobots are deployed in A Rising Chorus Act 2 in Destiny 2

HomeGames, How toWhere Nanobots are deployed in A Rising Chorus Act 2 in Destiny 2

A Rising Chorus' Act Two picks up where you left off after the previous mission in Destiny 2, though you'll have to investigate Nessus with Nanobots before you can progress the story (which sounds cooler than it actually is).

Destiny 2: Echoes A Rising Chorus: Act 2 Quest Step 12 of 28 Nanobots deployed with coordinates!

The Nanobots are a new invention of Failsafe, who will use them to gather more information about the flow of Radiolaria on the planetoid. Since Failsafe is somewhat hampered by a huge, immobile artificial intelligence, it is of course up to the Guardian to deploy the Nanobots in the right locations.

This is a quick niggle before you can continue your seasonal storyline, which ends with a new battlefield and paves the way for a new Specimen mission and a highly sought-after HELMET upgrade that lets you focus on the new weapons in Act Two.

Here's how to deploy Nanobots in Destiny 2's A Rising Chorus Act Two.