Today’s LoLdle is certainly a hot topic, with the six-word clue posing quite the challenge for anyone unfamiliar with the League of Legends champions who wield righteous flames. If you fall into that category and can’t figure out who uttered the tricky LoLdle quote from August 14th, don’t worry: I’ve solved the answer below.
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The LoLdle quote from Wednesday, August 14th reads: “My flames burn only the unworthy.” The League champion uttering this phrase is Kayle.
After yesterday's abysmal LoLdle attempt, I was hoping for a stronger run today. Luckily, as soon as I read this quote, I knew it wouldn't be that bad: there are only a few fiery champions, like Brand, Annie, Milio, and Kayle.
Even better, of those fiery champions, only Kayle has a super-righteous point of view. I threw that in there and I was dead wrong with that guess today.