British film company Harman’s new EZ-35 non-disposable camera is plastic, can’t focus and has no way to adjust exposure. And it will probably sell a gazillion units.
Why Disposable Cameras Are a Scam:
Film photography is experiencing a serious revival. Some of it is retro hipster fashion, but today film photography has a solid and growing base. Kodak has unofficially announced two new films for this year, and the price of used film cameras continues to climb.
Surprisingly, disposable film cameras are also popular, as are a new wave of non-disposable models, which are essentially the same cheap plastic boxes, only with a door on the back to swap in new film. But what is the appeal of these cheap, low-quality cameras today?
“It's the point-and-shoot aesthetic,” Hamish Gill, founder of the film website 35mmc, told Lifewire via direct message.