Your car knows everything about you. Everything – Knowligent
Your car knows everything about you. Everything

Your car knows everything about you. Everything

HomeHow to, TechYour car knows everything about you. Everything

A modern car knows more about you than any other device in your life, even your phone, and there's almost nothing you can do about it.

Things EVERYONE should know about CARS!

Your car knows where you’re driving, how fast you’re going, your favorite destinations, and more. Connect your car to your phone and it has access to your contacts, email, text history, favorite songs, and anything else stored on your phone. And while this data makes your car easier to use, it’s far too valuable to keep private.

“Automakers stand to benefit the most from the ‘data treasures’ that cars carry,” Daivat Dholakia, chief operating officer at Force by Mojio, a GPS fleet tracking company, told Lifewire via email.

"Many of them are investing in schemes to monetize this data and sell it to marketers and other third parties. The data that cars contain is simply immense, and manufacturers have every incentive to use it for their own personal gain."