Viewers of Ginny & Georgia season 2 are wondering how many episodes there are in the series and when each new episode will be released. This American comedy-drama TV series was created and brought to the screen via Netflix by Sarah Lampert. The show revolves around Ginny Miller, a moody fifteen-year-old who sometimes seems wiser than her thirty-year-old mother, the charming and energetic Georgia Miller. Georgia heads north with her two children, Ginny and Austin, in the hope of a fresh start, but discovers that the journey to a fresh start is not always smooth.
Ginny and Georgia Cast Reacts to Season 2's Wildest Moments | Netflix
Below you can read how many episodes Ginny & Georgia season 2 consists of and on which day the new episodes will be released.
Ginny & Georgia Season 2 has 10 episodes.
The list of episodes is as follows: