As various anime series enter the last week of July 2024, their upcoming episodes will feature exciting adventures. While the Navy will join Garp in One Piece, Sensei’s group prepares to fight against other worlds in No Longer Allowed in Another World. As such, the new anime episodes releasing this week will take viewers on an immersive journey. Here is a list of five new anime episodes releasing this week, from Monday, July 29, 2024 to Sunday, August 4, 2024.
65 Upcoming Anime in Summer 2024 | July to September
One Piece episode 1114 will air on Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 5:30 PM PDT. The episode will be released on Crunchyroll.
The anime recently followed the Blackbeard Pirates on Pirate Island, where Koby was being held captive. Along with Blackbeard revealing his master plan to turn Pirate Island into a legitimate nation by attracting the attention of the World Government, the episode saw Koby attempt to escape.
One Piece episode 1114, titled “For the Beloved Pupil – The First of Vice Admiral Garp!”, will see Luffy’s grandfather, Garp, spring into action. According to the episode’s preview, naval forces accompany the hero as he makes a glorious arrival. As such, One Piece episode 1114 will be an action-packed treat for viewers.