Ryan Reynolds has fun with beleaguered Jamie Lee Curtis after her MCU apology – Knowligent
Ryan Reynolds has fun with beleaguered Jamie Lee Curtis after her MCU apology

Ryan Reynolds has fun with beleaguered Jamie Lee Curtis after her MCU apology

HomeNewsRyan Reynolds has fun with beleaguered Jamie Lee Curtis after her MCU apology

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Jamie Lee Curtis SLAMS Marvel, Ryan Reynolds RESPONDS

Deadpool comes to the aid of Jamie Lee Curtis, whose comments to MTV have sent Marvel fans into an uproar.

Curtis ridiculed Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, negatively comparing it to her film, the Oscar-winning Everything Everywhere All at Once.

She claimed that Doctor Strange was "missing a dynamite dildo fight scene and a highly erotic hotdog hand mating dance." Instead, her film "has a deep beating heart and BRILLIANT visual treats, EXCEPTIONAL performances and FANTASTIC BEASTLY FIGHT SCENES…… AND it COST LESS than the ENTIRE budget for the craft service of Doctor Strange and/or any other Marvel film."