Directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, The Platform 2, also known as El Hoyo 2, is a Spanish-language satirical sci-fi drama film. The plot follows an inmate’s struggle against the mysterious leader’s brutal inmate feeding system in a vertical prison in an inverted tower. If you’re curious about updates on the release date, trailer, cast, and plot, we’ve got you covered.
The Platform 2: Release Date, Trailer, Cast, Plot, Renewed on Netflix? | Serie Studio
Here's everything you need to know.
The Platform 2 is set to hit theaters on Friday, October 4, 2024.
It is a Spanish dark satirical sci-fi drama film. The plot revolves around a prisoner. His quiet life turns into a tragic situation after he decides to rebel against the miserable feeding system. Not only that, but he also rebels against the disgusting way the mysterious leader feeds the prisoners based on their tier levels and list of offenses.